Tuesday, January 10, 2012

In keeping with diary format, this blog has no titles on its entries.

Make sure to buy a bottle of Crazy Glue along with those $14.00 shoes for when they split wide open down the back of the heel.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2012. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Rules for Snuggling

The rules for snuggling are as follows:

1) For adult males, snuggling with eight-year-olds must be kept at a distance and no cameras from The National Enquirer are allowed.

2) Cold kneecaps are also expressly forbidden. Warm them with your hands first if necessary. My belly is not a kneecap warmer. And frankly, using me like that is a good way to give me a cold.

3) No chewing gum. It is too loud and echoey.

Also, be sure to wash the Deep Heat ointment from your hands before you change your underwear or you may be in for the shock of your life.

More Scripts Songs Statements

© 2007, 2012. Some text missing from this post. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.
I was in over my head a little with this entry. Sorry.

Monday, January 9, 2012

It's a good thing they flash the studio name across the screen at the beginning of a movie. It lets you know what to expect.

MGM movies, for instance, have a lot of scenes. Paramount pictures have plots that tend to build up to a climax near the end. And the stories in Universal films are almost always situated around a central character.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2012. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.